Combo Pack of Indian Government & Politics & The Constitution of India by Fadia for IAS

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Buy online Sahitya Bhawan | Pratiyogita Sahitya Combo Pack of Indian Government & Politics & The Constitution of India..Ebook & combo pack available on discount.

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Sahitya Bhawan Combo Pack Of IGP & Constitution of India is a set of 2 books for students who preparing for UPSC and other competitive exams.
Indian Government & Politics,
The Constitution of India,
The revised volume of Indian Government and Politic presents a fairly comprehensive view of the evolving Indian political system at a critical period of its development. The volume seeks to analyse and probe the diverse aspects and problems of contemporary Indian politics in their proper historical setting. It discusses the constitution making process, Philosophy of the Constitution, Nature of the Indian State, Social structure and Democratic process. It evaluates the amendments to the Constitution uptodate and puts its focus on institutional structures and processes of the governmental system and analyses their working. The book surveys Centre-State relations and critically examines the recommendations of the Sarkaria Commission on Centre-State relations. Fadia?s book discusses the nature of the party system, regional political parties and investigates the problem of electoral reform and makes concrete suggestions.
The Constitution of India book – There are many voluminous and multi-volume works and some popular guidebooks on our Constitution but there has been a long-felt need for a concise but comprehensive and authoritative study. It is hoped that the present book would meet this need. Not only students of Political Science and Constitutional Law but also lawyers and citizens wanting to understand the Constitution and know something about the politico-constitutional system under which we live will find it useful. The book reproduces the text of the Constitution of India as amended and updated by Parliament from time to time. All amendments made by the Parliament upto and including the Constitution (104th Amendment) Act, December 2019 are incorporated in this edition. This book presents latest Constitutional Amendments with brief notes and commentaries?factual, objective and analytical?the book is highly readable.
Combo Pack is a great saving.

Original price was: ₹1,024.00.Current price is: ₹799.00.

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Weight 1.62 kg
Dimensions 24.5 × 18.5 × 4.7 cm


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