Tips for Students

  1. Use your own metaphors. Metaphors allow you to quickly link information by comparing a complex idea to a simple one. Create your own easy analogies and you’ll be surprised how much you have retained while studying. For example, make metaphors comparing parts of a brain with sections of the computer.
  2. Put your senses to work. Using vivid pictures, sound and touch that relate to the information can help you trigger your brain to pick when you want to retrieve it.
  3. Read every single portion of your textbook. Leaving islands or parts of a chapter can cost you during the test. Who would’ve thought reading the little extra information provided in the boxes can actually be helpful while writing the exam.
  4. Find someone who has difficulty in understanding a topic and teach it to them. This exercise will force you to organise your skill to answer and explaining the concept can be a huge benefit for you.
  5. If you’re having a tough time understanding concepts, try linking them by referencing one idea to help explain another.
  6. Find patterns in information while reading. Information becomes easier to organize if you can identify broader patterns that are similar across different topics.
  7. Use innovative resources. Watching videos, attending live classes, online paper solving, speed tests, etc. can do wonders while learning a boring subject.
  8. Don’t force yourself. Studying too much right before the exam can actually be harmful. Forcing information during the last few days is inefficient. Interlinking concepts and parts can help you to have a quick recap.
  9. Create learning models. Making mental pictures and referencing is the key here. Using mind maps, flashcards, diagrams and charts work very efficiently while studying.
  10. All of these models and tips will be of waste if you have no interest in the subject. Your only goal is to understand the information so it will stick with you for assignments, tests and life. Use notes and books as a medium for learning rather than an end result of your exams alone.
  1. Make right use of additional 15 minutes
  2. Set the priority and list out the questions which you are more confident about. There’s no need to write the answers in the same order as in the question paper. Firstly, write those answers which you know correctly. This will help you gain confidence and will also help you spare enough time to think about the answers of other questions which are a bit blur in your mind.
  3. Write brief, to the point answers. Read a question carefully and understand the sense of question. Keep your answers left justified.
  4. For example: If you are asked a question “Define soil erosion”, then you are asked to write the definition of soil erosion not that its causes or effects which most of the students write in order to make their answer 10 most effective preparation tips to score more than 90% marks in board exams
  5. Choose questions wisely. Usually, some questions in the paper are provided with internal choices. Students have to select any one of those choices. But the tricky thing with these choices is that students often decide on instinct which question to attempt and later they regret not choosing the other question which they knew better. 
  6. Attempt all the questions.
  7. Don’t decorate the answer sheet. Use only two pens; a blue pen for writing the text and black for headings. While drawing diagrams, you must always use a pencil. It would keep your answer sheet simple and would also give you time to write more.

Along with writing the right and appropriate answers, presentation also matters a lot in any board exam. Actually, scoring marks is all about presentation. 

  1. Your answers should be so visually appealing to the examiner that the examiner need not to put any extra effort to go through your answer script and give you a good score. 
  2. Leave 2-3 lines after attempting each answer 
  3. Underline each heading or subheading included in the answer.
  4. Increase the pictographic content wherever possible by including as many diagrams, tables, charts, etc., as possible. It will help to make your knowledge more noticeable and visible than representing it theoretically.
  5. Try to write most of the answers in points or bullets with properly highlighted headers and subheaders. Make the important points highlighted/underlined.
  6. Write the answers in a legible writing and try to maintain the same throughout the paper so as to make your work look uniform and appealing.
  7. Whenever you need to cut a word or an answer, just make one dash line with your pen. Avoid scribbling or scratching as it will make your answer sheet look messy and unclean.
  8. Write the question numbers properly. It should be clearly visible. 
  9. Write each answer with properly spaced words which are neither too close nor too far away.
  1. Organize your study space.
  2. Use the flow charts and block diagrams to make your learning effective.
  3. Practice from the previous year’s papers as far as possible.
  4. Emphasize more on the group studies.
  5. Discuss your confusions with the teachers and classmates in the group.
  6. Take the regular appropriate breaks.
  7. Take a healthy diet.
  8. Drink plenty of water.
  9. Organize your day plan.
  10. Keep small breaks during the day.
  11. Set the small goals and try to complete them on time.
  12. Take proper sleep.
  13. Focus more on time management.
  14. Set the separate time to solve your queries and problems regularly.

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